Colorado Mineral Society Patch

The Colorado Mineral Society

Upcoming Earth Science Area Events


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Coming Earth Science Events, 2025, updated 2/28/2025

from Pete Modreski, or

Fri-Sat-Sun, Feb. 28, Mar. 1-2, Gem and Mineral Show at the Jeffco Fairgrounds, Golden, sponsored by the Denver Gem and Mineral Guild. 10-6 Fri. & Sat., 10-5 Sun. Free admission and parking; exhibits, dealers, demonstrations, fluorescent minerals, geodes, rock identification, and more. Show theme is “Amazonite and Aquamarine”.

Events at Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, Golden:

Sat.-Sun., Mar. 1-2, Rock, Mineral and Fossil Sale; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 3/1, 1-4 p.m. 3/2, + preview sale 1-4 p.m. Feb. 28 for volunteers and Friends of the Museum only.

Also Sat. Mar. 1, 1-4 p.m., Free Mineral ID Day too!

Fri. Mar. 7, 6-9 p.m., Free First Friday Night at the Mines Museum; all are welcome! The free First Evening also includes an optional event, a special Gemstone ID session with Museum Executive Director and Gemologist Renata Lafler, registration $10, call 303-273-3815.

[The following next Free First Friday at the Museum will be Friday, April 4.]
Wed. Mar. 19, “Wednesday Night at the Museum with Kirk and Ray; with Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll, authors of “Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeway”; tickets required (see the Museum website for more info; click on events, then click on the graphic for the Kirk & Ray event. Registration required; tickets are $10 for the evening reception and book signing, and $100 to include a special limited-capacity one-hour presentation by Kirk and Ray preceding the reception.
Museum website: . Other information also on facebook at .

Denver Museum of Nature and Science 2025 Earth Sciences Colloquium schedule:

Talks are in-person-only, from 2–3 pm, usually in the 3rd Floor Community Room. The Community Room is on the 3rd floor at the entrance to the diorama hall. Museum admission not required to attend. Enter through Staff/Volunteer entrance, 50' east of main visitor entrance, and let Security know you're attending the talk, they will direct you to the location. All are welcome to attend. For the full year’s schedule see: colloquium/home.
The next Colloquium presentation will be:
Mar 18th: A Tale of Two Birds: Avian Dinosaurs from the Latest Cretaceous of Madagascar and Antarctica. (Patrick O'Connor, DMNS)

Thurs., Mar. 20, Colorado Scientific Society March meeting, “Lava dams, Footprints, and Faults: some vignettes from the USGS luminescence dating lab in Denver, Colorado” by Harrison Gray, U. S. Geological Survey, Luminescence Dating Lab. 7:00 p.m., at Golden Calvary Episcopal Church. For full info see: . All are welcome.

Sat.-Sun., Mar. 22-23, Western Interior Paleontological Society (WIPS) biennial Symposium, “Retrospectives: celebrating 4 decades of paleo advances”. For info on this and the monthly WIPS meetings, see .

Thurs., Mar. 27, Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter, monthly meeting, featuring Dr. Aaron Celestian, Mineral Sciences Curator, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles; “Prospering backyards: a collaboration of art, science, and community”. 5:30 p.m., Berthoud Hall Room 243, CSM campus, Golden. See for more info. All are welcome.
June 12-16, FMCC is also sponsoring a symposium, Specimen Mines of the United States, to be held on the Mines campus. For information see: .

Fri.-Sat.-Sun., Mar. 28-30, Fort Collins Rockhound Club 62nd Annual Gem and Mineral Show, (Fri. 4-8 p.m.; Sat., 9-6; Sun. 10-4) at The Ranch/Larimer County Fairgrounds in the Thomas M. McKee 4-H, Youth and Community Building, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, Colorado. Free parking; admission charge. Show theme is “Feldspar and Jasper”.

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